Many children at Refihlile show tremendous potential and are keen to further their education when they leave Primary School. The nearest High School promises to deliver this, boasting a 100% matrik pass rate. However, the school is over 40 kms from the children’s homes, there’s no transport and the school does not have any boarding facilities.
In the past, children wanting to continue their education have stayed in the local township with ‘extended families’ where, all too often, they experience physical and sexual abuse as well as mal-nourishment and theft. The result is that children end up dropping out of school, getting pregnant, becoming infected with HIV or getting involved in crime.
In response to this, The Clabile Trust built Casa Clabile – a home close to the Secondary School which provides a safe, secure, happy, family environment to children so they can continue their education.
On 1st March 2008, Casa Clabile officially opened and eight children moved in.
Very special thanks to Gerard Nock for funding the purchase of the land and building of Casa Clabile.